Be In Unity With Wealth
In this time of covid, where we are actively practicing social isolation and social distancing, we might unconsciously be agreeing to separation and distance from the GREAT-WEALTH-SOURCE also.
It is understandable. Because here on earth, we seem "separate" from each other, different from each other, in many forms. But from an energy point of view, we are all so many ways...really in every way. It is almost like the "separation of our physical bodies" is minuscule in comparison to the connection we have with each the air we breathe, or the radiance of the sun, or the millions of other connections. The notion of separation is less real than the connection to the life energy that we all inter-connectedly experience every second.
So, given there is so much energy flowing around you, that you cannot see, isn't is possible there is an unlimited abundance of wealth flowing as well? And isn't is possible, that this wealth is available to you in many ways? And maybe it is more a matter of connecting to it...kind of like your cell phone? Do you wonder if the waves that make your phone work are there when you place the call? I don't think so.
Maybe it is time to connect to the wealth energy that is flowing by intentionally placing your call to wealth - by connecting to that which is flowing...right now.
To that end - here is a short way to hook up (and place your call) via your energy system to the wealth flowing. Just speak this out loud and allow yourself to feel it (not just think it) might even want to have a talk with wealth while you are connected.
Invocation to the Unified Wealth Energy*
I breathe in radiant wealth
though the center of my heart,
opening my heart
into a beautiful ball of light,
allowing myself to expand.
I breathe in radiant wealth
though the center of my heart,
allowing the light to expand
Encompassing my throat & solar plexus
In one unified field of light
Within, through & around my body.
I breathe in radiant wealth
though the center of my heart,
allowing the light to expand
Encompassing my entire head & entire core
In one unified field of light
Within, through & around my body.
I breathe in radiant wealth
though the center of my heart,
allowing the light to expand
Up through and into the Unlimited Field of Wealth
and down into gracious core of earth
In one unified field of light
Within, through & around my body.
I am a unity of radiant wealth. (say out loud)
I breathe in radiant wealth
though the center of my heart,
allowing the light to expand
Up through and into the unlimited field of wealth
and down into gracious core of earth
In one unified field of light
Within, through & around my body.
I allow the Unlimited Wealth to move
throughout the unified field.
I am in unity radiant wealth.
I breath in radiant wealth
through the center of my heart.
I ask that the highest level of my spirit
radiate forth
from the center of my heart.
Filling the unified field completely.
I radiate forth throughout this day
I AM a unity of radiant wealth.
Invocation to the Unified Chakra meditation adapted from the Archangel Arial, channeled by Tashira Rachi-ren in the book "What is Lightbody?"
Enjoy being in unity with wealth.
Pillars of Creation
Image Credit: NASA, ESA/Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team
Last Updated: April 6, 2020
Editor: Yvette Smith
Tags: Hubble Space Telescope, Image of the Day, Nebulae, Universe