Prosperity Blog

Prosperity, Abundance, Unlimited Effortless Wealth are all available to us - always and in all ways. When you allow your natural wealth to flow - you are experiencing life the way it was meant to be enjoyed...fully with full flow of all good things: love, joy, fun, creativity and so much more! Become Wealth Welcoming!

Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing Is Impossible

The story of Raygun from the Olympics' Break Dancing competition is an improbable story of someone starting in their 20s learning how to break dance and making it all the way to the Olympics. And what I want to say – is NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE! My take away from this story is that passionate love of something creates unexpected outcomes.

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ALREADY (part 2) - Already Here, Already Have

ALREADY (part 2) - Already Here, Already Have

In a past blog I noted how we are Already Whole and that which we seek. Now, in this second post of Already, I want to explore Already Here, Already Have…What if that which you seek is already here, that which you feel you are striving to create you already have and is done? Alert…This post is going to be kind of out there… And - it will be very helpful as we come into the new year as we set our intentions for what we want to create and experience.

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Already (part 1) - Already Whole, Already Holy</a>
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

Already (part 1) - Already Whole, Already Holy

One of my favorite meditations starts out with the statement “take a deep breath and relax … and know you are already whole, you are already holy.” The first time I heard this I was a bit startled, already holy, already whole?! After a lifetime of fixing what seems to be broken in me, the notion of already WHOLE and already holy really touched me - and got me to thinking. Already? Already whole? Already holy? If you take a moment and contemplate the notion of Already, you know that it means completed, finalized, finished. It implies…

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Still Point Prosperity

Still Point Prosperity

Our still point where there is no judgement, there is no conditionality…it is the silent night, the holy night moment – - - - where all stops - - - where all is bright. This is the place of unconditionality and the wonder of the holy moment.

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Our prosperity journey reminds us to rise above and beyond the conditionality of our earth experience and reconnect and remember our true essence that is unconditional, ever flowing, freely experiencing.

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Notice Wealth Easter Eggs
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

Notice Wealth Easter Eggs

Life is always dropping Easter eggs into our experience, so we need to be on the look out for them, notice them, and acknowledge them. If you do - you will feel so special and wealthy.

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Everyone Is A Gift
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

Everyone Is A Gift

My grandmother came to me in a dream last night, and handed me a bunch of grapes. This is interesting because I really did not like my grandmother growing up.

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The True Poverty

The True Poverty

I have been taking this wonderful yoga teacher training class – on understanding, using, fostering and directing your life energy (prana). It is called Tantra Shakti taught by Tricia Fiske and Lisa Bertke. And every week I have been having these intense AHAs – around the deep, subconscious feelings that I have agreed to that Divinity is outside of me…

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Grace Is Wealth
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

Grace Is Wealth

I have been listening to this wonderful book - The Sophia Code - as I feel called to the Magdalene energy work and this book has much to teach about the Grace of the feminine. I wanted to share with you the way the author describes Grace …

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The Genius of AND
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

The Genius of AND

I have always appreciated the concept of the genius of AND because it feels more abundant! Choosing between things which is the tyranny of the OR, puts my mind in a deciding place of evaluating…

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Always Be Blessing
blessing, gratitude laurie lamantia blessing, gratitude laurie lamantia

Always Be Blessing

The other day at work - when I was walking through our warehouse - and this idea popped into my mind...always be blessing! I love this! And have been playing with it a lot! I even wrote it on the refrigerator at work...(no one has said anything yet :)

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Overcoming Scarcity Ideas: “It’s not available to me”

Overcoming Scarcity Ideas: “It’s not available to me”

Of late, as I do my money meditations that I shared last blog, I realized I still have lots of scarcity notions that are more unconscious than conscious. So I was thinking is that I will pepper these blog posts with some thoughts on overcoming scarcity un/consciousness.

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Prosperity of Spring

Prosperity of Spring

If you ever need a prosperity reminder - spring is your ticket! Everything about spring radiates prosperity, abundance, freely-shared beauty, exuberance and aliveness!

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