Show Up - All In!
Have you ever noticed when you make a fervent decision to do something – nothing gets in your way!? Sometimes you remember the moment you make the decision = the commitment – and you are ALL IN no matter what. It feels like time stands still and you say – I am doing it – I AM ALL IN! And nothing is going to stop me!
It is the time to SHOW UP and BE ALL IN.
You are a Nobel being. You are – we all are Nobel beings of the highest vibration and we can show up and be all in to that knowing! We can decide it is our time to shine – it is our time to radiate that which we truly are – amazing glorious love energy beings that chose to come to earth at this most auspicious time.
Never in the days of humanity has there been such energy flowing for the creation of heaven on earth – the possibly of transforming and transmuting large amounts of light into love, joy and unlimited full and complete joy, wealth and peace.
And all it takes is for us to SHOW UP and be all in.
The love patterns are available – NOW.
Heaven on earth is available – NOW.
Every ounce of unlimited joy is available – NOW.
Now is when, not someday – today NOW.
Don’t let the illusion of time get in your way or confuse you into thinking someday – maybe.
NOW is the time to show up – now is the time to be all in and radiate the wondrous and exquisite love energy that is pulsing in your heart.
Show up and share it. You do not need to do anything more than radiate that love right where you are. Radiate heaven on earth and you are living as heaven on earth. And with this love the patterns of this frequency will manifest on the earth – in no-time.
We are powerful creative beings – and when we show up all in we can create anything.
2021 is our time to show up and be all in for love, with love, as love.
LOVE – the unlimited energy that ignites and connects everything, everyone, everywhere, every time, always and in all ways.
You are magnificent love, Now is the time to know that, feel that and radiate that; simple but profound. You can make that decision right now - mean it, and watch how life organizes and orchestrates around you to make it so.
Namaste, the powerful love energy in me, honors and is one, with the powerful love energy in you.