Yoga: Love in Action

Last night I attended a yoga gathering and honoring for our beloved yoga teacher – J. Michael Taylor who passed of cancer. He is and will always be a wonderful reminder of yoga love in action. As I sat in the room filled with yogis honoring him, I saw all of my yoga buddies who have been teaching yoga for years – YEARS, they show up every week to hold space for love, to share their knowledge to support the growth of us students. These teachers, week after week, show up to 2 or 20 students – it does not matter. They show up in the hopes we show up... as Michael did week after week, sharing this unique brand of iyengar yoga - with a smattering of zinger observations to exquisite alignment cues that helped you move into the pose in a way you did not know you could.

This end-of-life yoga gathering was filled with grief and joy and love, all concurrently present – it was touching and enlivening at the same time.

Gratitude for Showing Up

The appreciation welled up in me for the yoga teachers and all who show up for others, week after week, for one and for all. The Yogis and many others who show up - sharing their love. I am so grateful for that constant love. And I am grateful to me to have showed up to enjoy and benefit from their great sharing and commitment to us students.

So, this is a shout out to yoga teachers everywhere, showing up, sharing the yoga of love and commitment and making all of our lives so much richer in the process.

Namaste, the yoga-love-light in me honors and is the yoga-love-light in you and together we prosper greatly!


Prosperity Moments


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