Expand: Expand Your Definition of Wealth

Wealth is More Than Money

When most of us hear the word ‘wealth,’ we think of money or financial wealth. That’s fair, but for the purposes of our exploration into Effortless Wealth, I wish us to expand our definition of wealth from little “w”, which means money and/or finances, to Wealth with a capital “W”, as in the huge, unlimited world of abundance and fun that is always flowing as a part of life: a wealth of opportunity, a wealth of health, a wealth of possibility, a wealth of fun, a wealth of love.

WUW: Wealth Unlimited Wealth

When I say Wealth, I want you to think, WUW: Wealth-Unlimited- Wealth! Fulfilling, ever-powerful, always flowing energy available to you – unconditional energy that makes everything possible!”

To me, Big-Wealth, WUW, is this unseen Wealth-Energy surrounding us always and in all ways. The capitals are reminding us of this Magical-Unseen-Force-of-Aliveness that is flowing around us, to us and through us, whether we believe it or not.

And a big benefit of this new perspective on Wealth is that as we develop our Big-Wealth consciousness our little-wealth money will flow.

Expand how you define wealth

So for now, take a few moments throughout the day to look at your definition of wealth. Check in and see if you can enlarge it, and expand it to include so much more than money or financial situation.  Expand it to what it has been and was always meant to be - the Unlimited FLOW of Energy available to us all in every way, everyday!

Enjoy expanding your wealth consciousness by expanding your definition of wealth!


Effortlessness Is Like Enrolling In The School of Magic


Let This Be the Year of Effortless Wealth!