Prosperity Blog — advent calendar

Prosperity Moments

Laurie LaMantia abundance advent calendar conscious creating creating effortless wealth enoughness LOA money money muscles prosperity moment prosperity thinking wealth consciousness wealth creating wealth creation worthiness

Prosperity Moments

So today, stop and notice the sweet moments that remind you of the prosperity of your daily life. The little and large things that inspire you to say - Wow, I AM really rich!

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The Advent Calendar Tool

Laurie LaMantia abundance advent calendar conscious creating creating effortless wealth enoughness LOA money money muscles prosperity thinking wealth consciousness wealth creating wealth creation worthiness

The Advent Calendar Tool

I am totally into Advent Calendars this year. I LOVE them! Just love! My friend gave me a cheese advent calendar and it is so fun. I purchased a rituals calendar for myself in expectation of the savoring of opening the doors to find the gift. This daily ritual of getting to open a surprise message or present is magical really! As I opened my "gift for today" - my heart leapt in excitement and joy as I saw the first offering. It was a surprise and quite unexpected. This got me to thinking about prosperity and what if every day...

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