Are You Opening Your Prosperity Doors?

Last night I had dinner with my bestie, who is also opening the doors of the advent calendar I gave her for Christmas. We were marveling at how much fun we are having waking up and opening the doors of the calendar and then enjoying the surprise "gifts" that are presented. We just giggled with delight at the face mask and body scrubs!

And once again, I was reconnecting to the metaphoric and actual power of the Advent calendar. Remembering and feeling what it is like to jump out of bed with "Christmas morning excitement" to great (greet) the day, and open the door of your heart and mind to the prosperity that will present itself to you - freely gifted.

Practice opening your heart to the prosperity of the day.

I said I was going to practice opening my heart to the prosperity of the day, as I use my advent calendar not only to enjoy the gifts behind the door but also to remind myself of the unlimited gifts of the days that we live.

Some days I have been more successful than others, I admit...but the beauty of the advent calendar is that it is there reminding us to come around remember daily to open our heart doors and allow the gifts that are there. When we practice opening our heart - we see things we might not have seen, we say yes, when we might have said no, we notice the sweetness that is gracing us that we might miss when we are so closed and in "get it done mode".

Allow the gifts to present themselves

Some of the greatest gifts of the holiday season are open hearts and uplifted energies...slow down and feel them and open your prosperity doors to it all. Allow the gifts to present themselves as the presents that they are.

Prosperity is a gift given freely, and all we need to do is open our heart and mind doors to notice and receive.


Play With Receiving


Prosperity Moments