Receiving is one of the hardest things for us to do. Which seems crazy, as someone needs to receive all the gifts that everyone wants to share!

I understand for most of us, receiving is uncomfortable for a huge variety of reasons (and is beyond the scope of what we will discuss today.) But it is worth taking a moment to notice - IF you are uncomfortable receiving (just say yes to this question - you know you are) and a bit deeper and then WHY? 

If you allow yourself to probe deeper, you are going to find something(s) that make you want to retreat from receiving - and if it is an experience or circumstance, the questions to ask is - How did this make me feel? What decision did I make because of that? Don't over analyze, just take the first thing that pops in your head and go with it.

Now take a breath, and feel into your response. And realize it is from the past, it is not now, and it does not have to be the case moving forward. And the reason receiving is so important - so vitally important - is that if you are uncomfortable receiving - you are going to be blocking much of the prosperity and wealth that is flowing around you all the time, in every way!

At the holidays, so many energies, feelings and emotions are flying around. Crazy amounts of energies are going to be swirling in the ethers of your days. So today, give yourself the grace of a deep breath or 10 and relax. Play with receiving whatever gift is given with a simple - Thank you, how kind. No need to add any of the energetic dingleberries to the receiving:

  • I don't deserve this, 

  • oh you shouldn't have,

  • now what do I owe you?

  • my gift was not as good as this...

  • blah blah blah.

Just open your heart and allow yourself the grace of receiving, the energy, the gift, the appreciation of you.

Remember, prosperity is sharing freely, and it is ok to receive it -freely.


The Sharing of Love


Are You Opening Your Prosperity Doors?