A New Approach To New Year Resolutions
2025 was a great year!
What if instead of looking into the new year with a list of “resolutions” (a.k.a. to-do list) that we might or might not really want to do and feel overwhelmed before the year even starts - and instead we celebrate how great a year 2025 was?
Celebrate before it happens - like it has already happened!
Celebrate and know the things you want to accomplish or experience have already happened and it was AMAZING! Please read that sentence again
Pave the way for a wonderful future, by celebrating it as wonderful – NOW.
Give yourself the opportunity to go to the end of 2025 and say how it felt to have experienced the things you want to manifest and see happen in 2025. It is starting with the end in mind…and you are journaling what a great year 2025 was! Something like:
This year I felt amazingly healthy – Yahoo! (add the yahoo! Makes it feel more celebratory)
This year, my book (Effortless Wealth) became a best seller – WOWOW – it was so great to have people enjoying it!
2025 was a great learning year, I took a class in X and learned so much! Good for me!
We traveled to Y and had a fantastic time, I feel so grateful for that wonderful get away.
I got my bonus and wow – so surprised and delighted! THANKYOU! woohoo
Do you see the formula?
1. State what has happened as a DONE DEAL
2. then say how you FELT (grateful, satisfied, relieved, abundant, etc.)
3. add a woohoo, yahoo or some other fun exclamation of joy!
4. And know it was easy!
Now is a great time to create the future - from the future.
Let yourself enjoy and be playful with this. As a power creator (which you are) – it is ok to want what you want and not assume it will be effortful or hard. And that is why I add: it will be easy or it was easy. Assume 2025 was filled with success, ease, grace, love, abundance, joy, playfulness, adventure! Whatever you like, it is possible and available. And as you create that future as a done deal – you lay the groundwork for it to be so. Don’t be afraid of your power to create your life your way. And at the start of a new year is the perfect time!
And so…2025 was a Glorious magical year and it felt so great, abundant and special in so many ways – Thank you! WOOHOO!
Namaste – remember you are always prospering – always and in all ways.