It is Thanksgiving morning and I have just finished meditating and these words came to me:

Can there be a more beautiful moment than this moment when we are all gathered together in Thanks-giving!

I love this! Can there be a more beautiful moment than this moment?

Can there be a more beautiful moment than when we are in the moment and enjoying it - and noticing it? beautiful! And in that place your heart swells and a prayer of Thanks just blurps from your being. Not forced just spontaneous.

When we are in the present moment, knowing we are All-That-Is and a part of All-That-Is - thanks-giving just happens.

As you run around today - stop and breathe in and enjoy the beutitiful moments, from people arriving, to laughter int he background to sneaking a bit of stuffing before it hits the table. Just breathe in and be in that beutiful moment and notice how "thanks giving" just rises out of your essence.

What a beautiful moment that is!

Enjoy this day of Thanksgiving, a truly beautiful day of abundance and prosperity in each moment.


You Can Just Ignore It


You Matter