You Can Just Ignore It
Today is Cyber Monday...the day that all of the on-line deals happen and my email is FILLED with all kinds of - buy this - and save on that. It is overwhelming and annoying AND anxiety creating. FOMO strikes!
Fear of Missing Out on the deal that would save me on something I don't need. I am having FOMO on nothing now ... just an email enticing me to something.
As my mind raced, I heard this little voice chime in and say "Well you can just ignore it!" Brilliant! Wow what a concept. I can just ignore the whole idea of cyber Monday and the associated frenzy. I can just not be sucked into the FOMO of deals.
And this simple idea of you can just ignore it, hit me as profound in that moment. How many things do we take too seriously? Or feel need our immediate attention? In the world of faster, smarter and more, the anxiety of getting it all done and not missing out is palpable.
And you can just ignore can - guilt free. Some times, many times, we just need to ignore it. Whatever - IT - is. Ignore the email from a hater, ignore the news that just sets us off, ignore the person in a rush in line that cuts us off.
This little ditty of - You can just ignore it - can save us so much energy. Energy that can better be applied to noticing prosperity and joy. So today, give yourself the grace of just ignoring something that will send your mind racing and eat up tons of energy that could better be spent on joy.
Remember, you get to enjoy prospering.