Prosperity Blog

Prosperity, Abundance, Unlimited Effortless Wealth are all available to us - always and in all ways. When you allow your natural wealth to flow - you are experiencing life the way it was meant to be enjoyed...fully with full flow of all good things: love, joy, fun, creativity and so much more! Become Wealth Welcoming!

ALREADY (part 2) - Already Here, Already Have

ALREADY (part 2) - Already Here, Already Have

In a past blog I noted how we are Already Whole and that which we seek. Now, in this second post of Already, I want to explore Already Here, Already Have…What if that which you seek is already here, that which you feel you are striving to create you already have and is done? Alert…This post is going to be kind of out there… And - it will be very helpful as we come into the new year as we set our intentions for what we want to create and experience.

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Our prosperity journey reminds us to rise above and beyond the conditionality of our earth experience and reconnect and remember our true essence that is unconditional, ever flowing, freely experiencing.

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The True Poverty

The True Poverty

I have been taking this wonderful yoga teacher training class – on understanding, using, fostering and directing your life energy (prana). It is called Tantra Shakti taught by Tricia Fiske and Lisa Bertke. And every week I have been having these intense AHAs – around the deep, subconscious feelings that I have agreed to that Divinity is outside of me…

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Overcoming Scarcity Ideas: “It’s not available to me”

Overcoming Scarcity Ideas: “It’s not available to me”

Of late, as I do my money meditations that I shared last blog, I realized I still have lots of scarcity notions that are more unconscious than conscious. So I was thinking is that I will pepper these blog posts with some thoughts on overcoming scarcity un/consciousness.

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Prosperity of Spring

Prosperity of Spring

If you ever need a prosperity reminder - spring is your ticket! Everything about spring radiates prosperity, abundance, freely-shared beauty, exuberance and aliveness!

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Prosperity Moments

Prosperity Moments

So today, stop and notice the sweet moments that remind you of the prosperity of your daily life. The little and large things that inspire you to say - Wow, I AM really rich!

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The Advent Calendar Tool

The Advent Calendar Tool

I am totally into Advent Calendars this year. I LOVE them! Just love! My friend gave me a cheese advent calendar and it is so fun. I purchased a rituals calendar for myself in expectation of the savoring of opening the doors to find the gift. This daily ritual of getting to open a surprise message or present is magical really!

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You Matter

You Matter

I have decided the "original sin" of our lives is thinking we are "broken and in need of fixing", and this leads us to feel insignificant, small and like we do not matter. And this is SO UNACCEPTABLE!

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For Things to Change, Something Needs to Change

For Things to Change, Something Needs to Change

So the next time you are considering not changing something because you are afraid of loosing something, Stop. And align. Stop the thought momentum of worry. And align to your essence as Wonderful Unlimited Wealth (WUW).

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Know It Muscle

Know It Muscle

When you know something, you feel confident it will happen. Actually, you don’t even doubt if it will happen. You don’t doubt the sun will rise or that there will be air for you to breathe - you know it will and there is. This confidence and certainty allows us to relax…

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