Prosperity Blog

Prosperity, Abundance, Unlimited Effortless Wealth are all available to us - always and in all ways. When you allow your natural wealth to flow - you are experiencing life the way it was meant to be enjoyed...fully with full flow of all good things: love, joy, fun, creativity and so much more! Become Wealth Welcoming!

ALREADY (part 2) - Already Here, Already Have

ALREADY (part 2) - Already Here, Already Have

In a past blog I noted how we are Already Whole and that which we seek. Now, in this second post of Already, I want to explore Already Here, Already Have…What if that which you seek is already here, that which you feel you are striving to create you already have and is done? Alert…This post is going to be kind of out there… And - it will be very helpful as we come into the new year as we set our intentions for what we want to create and experience.

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Prosperity of Spring

Prosperity of Spring

If you ever need a prosperity reminder - spring is your ticket! Everything about spring radiates prosperity, abundance, freely-shared beauty, exuberance and aliveness!

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How Self Worth Impacts Net Worth

How Self Worth Impacts Net Worth

I have been writing about prosperity now for years. And it always amazes me how much self-worth impacts net-worth. Our self-worth, the way we feel about our worth and value, has the ultimate impact on our net-worth…

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Let This Be the Year of Effortless Wealth!

Let This Be the Year of Effortless Wealth!

Over the course of the year, we will explore the basics tenants that are discussed in the Effortless Wealth book. We will be cultivating your wealth consciousness so you see and feel that the wealth you desire is not something you acquire, it is something you already possess - because the energy of Wealth is flowing around you constantly.

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For Things to Change, Something Needs to Change

For Things to Change, Something Needs to Change

So the next time you are considering not changing something because you are afraid of loosing something, Stop. And align. Stop the thought momentum of worry. And align to your essence as Wonderful Unlimited Wealth (WUW).

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Know It Muscle

Know It Muscle

When you know something, you feel confident it will happen. Actually, you don’t even doubt if it will happen. You don’t doubt the sun will rise or that there will be air for you to breathe - you know it will and there is. This confidence and certainty allows us to relax…

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Plug In

Plug In

I know that prosperity is around me always and in all ways, AND I need to consciously plug-in to this great flow of well-being, prosperity, abundance energy. I really like the metaphor of a lamp being plugged into an electrical outlet. The electricity is always flowing but the lamp cannot light unless it is plugged in. I feel that this is the same for us…

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You Decide Your Prosperity Narrative

You Decide Your Prosperity Narrative

This weekend I watched a very powerful documentary about Michele Obama (First Ladies on CNN). She is such a powerful person – woman – fierce woman. And there were so many wonderful and meaningful messages in this story – but the one that I want to write about today is that you are in charge of your narrative - you are the creator - you are the decider.

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