Prosperity Blog

Prosperity, Abundance, Unlimited Effortless Wealth are all available to us - always and in all ways. When you allow your natural wealth to flow - you are experiencing life the way it was meant to be enjoyed...fully with full flow of all good things: love, joy, fun, creativity and so much more! Become Wealth Welcoming!

How Self Worth Impacts Net Worth

How Self Worth Impacts Net Worth

I have been writing about prosperity now for years. And it always amazes me how much self-worth impacts net-worth. Our self-worth, the way we feel about our worth and value, has the ultimate impact on our net-worth…

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Expand Your Definition of Investing
effortless wealth laurie lamantia effortless wealth laurie lamantia

Expand Your Definition of Investing

As we continue our journey exploring Effortless Wealth - we have been expanding a few concepts that will be valuable in our toolbox, we are looking at expanding our definition of wealth to be more unlimited, we are expanding our definition of effortlessness to be more welcoming and we are going to need to expand our definition of investing to be more that just money-focused.

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Expand: Expand Your Definition of Wealth

Expand: Expand Your Definition of Wealth

Wealth is More Than Money When most of us hear the word ‘wealth,’ we think of money or financial wealth. That’s fair, but for the purposes of our exploration into Effortless Wealth, I wish us to expand our definition of wealth from little “w”, which means money and/or finances, to Wealth with a capital “W”, as in the huge, unlimited world of abundance and fun that is always flowing as a part of life…

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Let This Be the Year of Effortless Wealth!

Let This Be the Year of Effortless Wealth!

Over the course of the year, we will explore the basics tenants that are discussed in the Effortless Wealth book. We will be cultivating your wealth consciousness so you see and feel that the wealth you desire is not something you acquire, it is something you already possess - because the energy of Wealth is flowing around you constantly.

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The Sharing of Love
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

The Sharing of Love

We give our love through a tangible gift and another receives the love gift...and in that exchange there is something magical and special...and if we just stay with the love - we stay at the unlimited essence that giving and receiving is about.

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Play With Receiving

Play With Receiving

At the holidays, so many energies, feelings and emotions are flying around. Crazy amounts of energies are going to be swirling in the ethers of your days. So today, give yourself the grace of a deep breath or 10 and relax. Play with receiving whatever gift is given with a simple - Thank you, how kind. No need to add any of the energetic dingleberries to the receiving…

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Prosperity Moments

Prosperity Moments

So today, stop and notice the sweet moments that remind you of the prosperity of your daily life. The little and large things that inspire you to say - Wow, I AM really rich!

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Yoga: Love in Action
laurie lamantia laurie lamantia

Yoga: Love in Action

The appreciation welled up in me for the yoga teachers and all who show up for others, week after week, for one and for all.

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The Advent Calendar Tool

The Advent Calendar Tool

I am totally into Advent Calendars this year. I LOVE them! Just love! My friend gave me a cheese advent calendar and it is so fun. I purchased a rituals calendar for myself in expectation of the savoring of opening the doors to find the gift. This daily ritual of getting to open a surprise message or present is magical really!

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