Prosperity Blog — prosperity moment

Still Point Prosperity

Laurie LaMantia abundance effortless wealth prosperity moment prosperity thinking wealth consciousness

Still Point Prosperity

Our still point where there is no judgement, there is no conditionality…it is the silent night, the holy night moment – - - - where all stops - - - where all is bright. This is the place of unconditionality and the wonder of the holy moment.

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The Prosperity of Spring

Laurie LaMantia abundance conscious creating creating effortless wealth prosperity moment the abundance center wealth consciousness wealth creating wealth creation

The Prosperity of Spring

If you ever need a prosperity reminder - spring is your ticket! Everything about spring radiates prosperity, abundance, freely-shared beauty, exuberance and aliveness! 

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Prosperity Moments

Laurie LaMantia abundance advent calendar conscious creating creating effortless wealth enoughness LOA money money muscles prosperity moment prosperity thinking wealth consciousness wealth creating wealth creation worthiness

Prosperity Moments

So today, stop and notice the sweet moments that remind you of the prosperity of your daily life. The little and large things that inspire you to say - Wow, I AM really rich!

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