Prosperity Blog

Bubbling...go Into Your Blessing Bubble

Laurie LaMantia

Bubbling...go Into Your Blessing Bubble

Bubbling is the act of putting a loving bubble around you, with the intent to have live in a bubble of loving blessing and only all things good. You are Bubbling when you decide to live in your joy and you decide how you are going to feel about things in your life - independent of the good opinion of other people, or the news or your aunt or your kids, or ....

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Love Loving (Be the source not just the seeker)

Laurie LaMantia effortless wealth investment tip prosperity thinking

Love Loving (Be the source not just the seeker)

Gandhi said, be the change you seek. What this investment tip asks us to do is be the love we seek. Be the prosperity we seek - be the source not just the seeker.

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Effortless Wealth: A Must Read for Yogis

Laurie LaMantia

Effortless Wealth: A Must Read for Yogis

Yoga Chicago did a review of Effortless Wealth in their Jan/Feb 2020 issue - thank you so much!  So dear yogis - this post is for you.  As yogis, we understand the concept of energy and prana. The very definition of prana is life force...the universal energy which flows in and around us - which I believe and use interchangeably with the  definition of Wealth (with a capital W)! Wealth is part of the universal energy that is flowing around us and with us in every way. But somehow, over time, we have come to think of wealth as separate from...

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Unexpected Gems

Laurie LaMantia effortless wealth wealth consciousness

Unexpected Gems

Even when you feel you are on Wealth lockdown, life is not! Wealth is flowing always, and in all ways. It is always flowing and sharing with you, even if you cannot see it or are not open to it (just now).  And this is what was at play when I went for a walk down a new street and found an unexpected gem. Unexpected by me, but gems are always being shared, around every corner that is the way of wealth. I happened into a new store, the Sol of Life! A salt cave and a whole lot more....

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Are you on Wealth Lockdown?

Laurie LaMantia

Are you on Wealth Lockdown?

It is the middle of winter here in the Midwest. And it is right about this time you really feel how you can have yourself on lockdown, a.k.a. just hunkered in and going through the motions; being responsible and almost holding your breath until spring.  Moreover, a wealth lock-down feels like I am not giving myself permission to enjoy the day – just go to work and get it done. No fun, no creativity, no playfulness. Just git-it-done. It is in these times that I realize that my mind has me seriously constricted. I feel tight, I act tight, I am...

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